Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Gap: The Water Quality Program

After looking into the Gap for the Marketing paper due this week, I got really into the idea of how different companies use their business to help the environment. Gap, for example, has a lot of different ways they help the environment, including steadily conserving energy and keeping water clean.

One of the biggest parts of the research involving their environmental responsibility was their Water Conservation Project. In 2012 Gap was named one of the most ethical companies in the world. This is a huge deal considering the problems some global, factory-based companies have with ignoring human rights and the environment. The Water Quality Program is the Gap's way of ensuring they they don't just build a factory in a foreign country and leave all of their waste behind. According to their website, making jeans requires washing with a lot of chemicals and dyes. These chemicals can seep into the water in the areas around their factories, and the Gap makes it their mission to make sure that doesn't happen. 100% of their factories participate in this program. They all send their used water through treatment so that they don't pollute the waterways.

Have you heard of any other companies forming or participating in programs like this? If so, who?

For more info on the program, click here.