Saturday, February 9, 2013

Response to Gina's Post

In Gina's post (here), she talked about ethics in business, and how people's definition of what is ethical differ; which can cause conflict about what is right and wrong when it comes to operating a business. This means that if a company has an ethical issue, some people might not agree that it is an issue at all.

Gina asked: Do customers notice when a company makes bad ethical decisions?

When certain businesses makes the news for ethical reasons, anyone watching can interpret the situation depending on their own, personal code of ethic. Some of the businesses' customers might notice the bad ethical decisions made when they watch the news, but because other's might not consider them unethical, they don't notice.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Product (Red)

When the Product (Red) campaign started getting big, I remember a lot of kids walking around with those Inspi(red) shirts. They were everywhere, especially in the art community of the school. And I remember thinking how cool they looked. So, because I was a freshman high school and desperate to follow trends, I went out and bought one myself.

The one thing I remember most about wearing that shirt was that I really felt like a good person for wearing it. Not only was it a cool looking shirt, but it was going toward a good cause. And if there is one thing I learned from being in college, it's that everybody loves t-shirts. If there is an event on campus more people will go if they are giving away free T-shirts. I used to have people that were going to events pick me up shirts if I couldn't go just so I could have the shirt. I'm not really sure why people think it's so cool to have these shirts, but for some reason they do. And for organizations like Product (Red) it's a great opportunity for advertising  If you can come up with a cool logo for a shirt and you can get people to want them, you can not only make money off of selling these shirts (in this case money that can help fight AIDS) you can also get free advertising. This T-shirt design has become iconic in a way, and it was kind of like a win-win situation for them. For organizations like Product (Red), it's really important to get the word out there. This is just one way to do it.

Do you find yourself with a massive amount of T-shirts from functions? Do you think businesses using T-Shirts as advertising is a good idea or a bad idea?